Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Day 26-Mon. Nov. 16, St. Augustine, FL--36 miles

Praise the Lord! I'm finished! I've crossed America on bicycle in 24.5 days of riding after five weeks being on the road! God is so good!
I got a call this morning from Janine that she was called off, so she was going to be able to come down a day early to see me do the last day. Otherwise I was going to take today off and just visit St. Augustine with Dave and Faith. But it was a nice change of plans. Since there was only 31 miles to go to St. Augustine and 36 miles to St. Augustine Beach, there was no rush to get going. So I left around 8:55 on my final ride to St. Augustine. I left Palatka after crossing the bridge over the St. Johns River. I was so elated and I felt so light on that bike that I effortlessly pedaled the last remaining miles to St. Augustine, and got there in what seemed like no time at all--at 10:30. The bike route maps I bought ended at the bay of Matanza right by the market square in front of the old Lions Bridge. But I thought," That doesn't look like the Atlantic to me". So wanted to continue on across the bridge to the wide, vast ocean. So I waited for Dave and Faith to catch up with me about 40 min. later and we went to the old fort called Castillo De San Marcos, built back in 1627 and made of coquina--seashells and sand. Then after lunch Faith went shopping in the quaint historic downtown while Dave and I checked out my final route to St. Augustine Beach--about 5 miles away, then we went to the motel to unload our stuff for the final time in another motel room. By the time we finished that, Janine had arrived at the St. Augustine exit off I95 around 3:30 (She left at 7 am). So we met her at the motel and drove to the point where I left off and to pick up Faith from her shopping spree.
It was a gorgeous day, sunny and 77, and by 4:15 I was off riding for the final time to my final destination--St. Augustine Beach. I rode the bridge over the bay and went down past Anastasia State Park to where there was a public parking lot to the beach. I carried my bike across the sandy parking lot and down on to the sandy Florida beach to dip my tires in the warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean. And yes, the waters were warm as they came up over my ankles. It felt so good! Praise God! He enabled me to accomplish this goal that I've had since I was a boy.
After several pictures, I wanted Janine to take my bike for a quick ride to see what it was like. We went out to the rode and she pedaled off a short way, but the seat was too high, so she found it to be rather uncomfortable. Then we went back to our motel room for me to shower and change, so I could look (and smell) presentable as we went out to eat at a nice Italian restaurant.
I finished just before my 44th birthday, which is tomorrow, Nov. 17. , which was my goal to be able to finish on that day. But having Janine come early was the best birthday gift of all! I love her so much, and even more now after being apart for so long. We will stay here for a short vacation until Thursday, when we'll drive back home. Dave and Faith will problably drive our van back on Tues.
Thank you so much David and Faith for coming along on this trek with me and putting up with me for so long. Thank you David for all your packing and unloading of the van everyday, and keeping track of me on the roads, and doing all that stop and go driving across America. And thank you so much Faith for all your planning and preparing of wonderful meals in the motel rooms, and out of the back of the van each day for lunch, wherever we could find a place to stop and eat. You kept me well fed and nourished to be able to do this ride with no sickness, loss of energy, and probably not any weight loss either. I know I ate more calories per day on this trip than before, well, since I was a growing teenager, at least.
It's been amazing. Despite all the dangers out there on the roads every day, God has been so good and had His angels constantly watching out for me. I came through with no accidents--although I had some very close calls. The people all along the route have been very friendly and helpful. I haven't had a flat tire for the whole second half of the trip, since the middle of Texas. The weather has been great! Only one day of rain (and sleet-in Texas); the other time it rained it was in MS, but I had already planned to stop for those two days anyways, to slow myself down from finishing too early, so that rain from Ida didn't affect my riding schedule. No hazardous incidents with dogs or other animals. No breakdowns with the bike, except six flat tires. Each Sabbath was not only a blessing to stop and rest, but to fellowship with "family" all across the country.
I was able to ride nearly 2700 miles, averaging about 108 miles per day. The highest mileage day was 142, and lowest was today, at 36. My average speed was around 17 mph.
Thank you to everyone who has been so supportive of me in this endeavor, and for everyone's prayers. They have definitely been answered!
I look forward now to coming home and not having to live out of different motel rooms each night. I'm sure Dave and Faith are just as anxious to be going home and go back into retirement---at least for a little bit--not for long I'm sure.
And next week Caleb gets to come home for Thanksgiving break. Yeah! Can hardly wait to have him home. Too bad Josh won't be able to come home, as he'll be on a trip with his gymnastic team to the Virgin Islands during break. But I look forward to Christmas break when we can all be together as a family!
This is my last blog. And I'm glad its over, however, I'm so glad I did it. I would definitely do it again. Its been a great growing and learning experience, physically, mentally, and spiritually.
I plan to continue to keep up with biking when I get back, as it is good exercise. Anyone willing to join me on bike rides in the future would be most welcome.
God bless you all!


  1. Yeah!! Praise the Lord for your being able to accomplish this goal and thank you for letting all the rest of us be a part of your travels. It was almost like being able to go myself! So glad Janine could be a part of the final step. Hope to see all of your family soon. Have a great two days at St. Augustine and a safe trip home.

  2. Praise God! I am so happy for you! Erna Kriigel
