Thursday, October 15, 2009

Tribute to my Dad

As I think back over my life, I have always had a strong desire to be healthy and adventurous, and to not shy away from things just because they are difficult. After meeting with my dad yesterday in Loma Linda it reminded me again of where I believe I obtained that trait from. So I would like to dedicate this post to my dad.
Growing up I remember my dad would often ride his bike to work and would love to get out and walk and hike. He always had a garden and loved animals. And he would prefer to sleep outdoors in the fresh air over being inside. Having been a vegetarian all his life, this was a source of pride for him as well as being very physically active.
Well when I took this picture you will notice my dad is missining four of his front teeth. A few weeks before he was out riding his bike and hit a bump in the road and fell down and knocked out his front teeth. And he is still anxious to keep riding his bike although my brother is trying to get him to hang it up. By the way, did I mention my dad will be 93 years old in one month, Nov. 18, one day after my birthday. I know if my dad was younger he would love to go with me on cross country bike trip like I'm taking. My dad is still in very good health and mentally alert. He told me that he plans to live be at least 100, but more importantly he longs for the coming of Jesus and living forever with Him.
Thanks dad for setting a good example for me of good health habits and instilling in me a love for exercise and adventure. Wish you could join me on this bike trip.


  1. Very inspiring as was the article in the Dunlap Tribune. You're quite a good writer. Eager to hear how this day's ride was.

  2. You do well with words Dave! Neat to see your tribute to your Dad!

