Friday, October 30, 2009

Day 14-Fri. Oct. 30-Menard, TX-125 miles

What a wonderful day it was today! It started out with me getting up at 6:00 so we could be ready to leave by 7:30 to drive to where I left off the day before, some 50 miles up the interstate. Before I left Dr. George Grave called me to see how I was doing and to encourage me and to pray with me. Thanks Dr. George! By 8:30 I was ready to start riding. It was cold to start--36 degrees-- thus the way you see me dressed in the picture below. But at least it was sunny out and the wind was coming out of the west--at my back--praise the Lord! What a huge difference the wind makes. Not long into the ride I was ready to shed some layers because of all the exertion of energy. I rode 125 miles today, climbing over 3000 ft. I rode all day on US 190 through the towns of Iraan, and El Dorado, and finished just 20 miles west of Menard. Today was my highest full day mph average--18.6. At the end of the ride I felt like I could go another 40 miles. But I stopped early (4:40) so we could drive to the next town of Brady, TX, to get a motel for Fri. and Sabb. nights, as Menard was too small to have much. In just the short distance I rode today of 125 miles you could see a huge difference in the terrain and type of plants growing. Now the land is flatter and more trees growing, like live oaks. And you see more ranches with cattle, sheep, and goats. We also passed by several working oil rigs (pumps) and smell the pungent odor of the crude oil.
We are now staying in Brady, considered the "heart of Texas", as it is considered the middle of the state. So I guess I'm about halfway through Texas, and halfway through my trip. Sunday I hope to make it just to the north side of Austin, and hope to be through Texas by Wed. I am making better time than I thought, and may have to slow it down some, as Janine plans to drive down Tues., Nov. 17, to see me finish the last day of my trek.
We ate lunch along side the road, as the towns are so far apart in west Texas. David had the flashers on and when we got done and ready to go the car wouldn't start. (my battery is bad anyways and need to get a new one) Fortunately we have jumper cables, now just needed someone to stop and jump us off. We did not have to wait long. The people of Texas have been very friendly and helpful toward us.
Also, after lunch I went off the road a little ways to go pee. When I got back to the road I was covered with stickers all over my pant legs, shoes, and socks. They were difficult and painful to remove. Glad I haven't run over any of those with my bike, as they would definitely cause some damage.
Thanks to all who are praying for me. I continue to claim the promises of Zech. 4:6. Josh. 1:9, and Phil. 4:13 as I ride.
And Pastor Ryder, I sure do miss you! And NO , you weren't a boat anchor to me. Hope we can connect again in Florida. And anyone else who would like to come down and join me and ride with me the last leg of the trip, that would be awesome!
If any of you see my sons--Josh and Caleb--, and my wife, Janine, please say hello to them for me, and give them a hug and a kiss (if it's appropriate) for me!
I sure do miss home, but know it won't be long. I feel like it is all downhill from here.
God bless all of you!

1 comment:

  1. You looked prepared Bro! And of course you are!

    Janine came for lunch and is here! We had Sterling & Scarlet along with Melanie and we had a good time singing you and your neat in-laws!

    Know we are thinking of you.

    Take care Bro!

