Friday, September 18, 2009

Close Call!

Today I had a Dr.'s appt. in Dunlap at 8 am, so decided to get my bike ride in while going to my appt., killing two birds with one stone. After my appt. I continued by bike ride in the valley going along 127N and East Valley Rd., looping back to 111 and back up the mountain to home. It was 36 miles.
Now along the way I had two close calls. First, I was riding north on 127 approaching a crossroad near SVEC. I noticed a white car pulling up to the stop sign, and I was actually thinking whether they would notice me or pull right out in front of me. I was going 20 mph and was approaching the intersection just as the car came to the sign. But instead of coming to a full stop and looking carefully, the car pulled right out in front of me! I quickly had to brake, the driver saw me just as it was pulling out into the hwy. and slammed its brakes on just as I was able to swerve around the front of the car. I did not have enough time to stop without running into the side of the car. That's the closest I've come to being hit by a car when on a bike. I definitely believe my angel was there to protect me from a serious accident.
Then on the way home I was riding fast down a hill on McCarver Loop (the road I live on), less than a mile from my home, going about 32 mph, when all of a sudden I hit something in the road with both of my tires. Within 2-3 seconds I noticed I had two flat tires and had to quickly come to a stop. You lose air very quickly with these skinny, high pressure tires. Fortunately I was not far from home, so just put my cleat covers on and walked the bike the rest of the way home. I always carry a spare tube and pump with me, but that would do no good with two flat tires. Once I got home I wanted to see what I hit, so took the car and drove back to the site where the incident occured. I had hit a hand-size piece of sharp concrete that was in the road.
Then after lunch and replacing both of my tubes with new ones, I was ready to take off again, this time for a shorter more relaxed bike ride. I rode 15 miles up 111 to hwy 8 and back. It felt good.
A few months ago I sprained my right big toe, and my left ankle. They hurt while I walk or try to run, but fortunately when I'm biking they don't bother me at all. Although my neck is still sore and stiff during and after riding. And my lower back has been hurting me, but not that bad when I'm on the bike. But I have been going to see the Chiropractor for the past couple of weeks to see if I can get any relief before I leave. It has helped some.
I sure do wish Janine, Josh, and Caleb could come with me on this trip. Maybe someday we can all do a bike ride together, like the Blue Ridge Parkway--about 450 miles.
But David Kneller is planning on riding some with us. He took his bike in to the bike shop to get some repairs and a tune-up.
Even though this is a huge challenge ahead of us, I believe God's promise in Phil 4:13 applies to this situation as well: "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." I know He will give me strength, determination, and perseverence to accomplish this goal!--one pedal stoke at a time.

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